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Thursday, March 17

what NOT to be...

I am going through this phase where am figuring out what I could possibly turn out to be. since I have such an awesome lifestyle planned out, I need to work, given a choice , I would love to do nothing, but life is not that kind, is it?So my new project for awesome Shobi is, "Find a Career.ASAP"
Also, it so happened when I was reading  Betty & Veronica, Betty was looking for a summer job, trying to weigh her options out and figure out what she wants to do this summer.It got me thinking, I should be doing the same, you know, weigh my options out and see where I could possibly belong, I figured, I will make  a list of what are the things I can never be good at, and weigh it against the things I could possibly end up doing. If i had a shrink , I think the first thing he/she would probably tell me is, its a pessimistic way of looking at things  and blah, why a psychiatrist, even  my dad would lecture me about my "approach" to finding a career. I've found out a cool new approach ,it's so cool that I think  it's revolutionary. There are three ways to look at my could/would be career options:
1. Totally Possible.
2. So-So
3. No chance in hell.
 It's not what you call "regular", but am bored of regular anyway. I hope to figure out something soon, and am going to go from No chance in hell to Totally possible, striking out all the not possibles  to the standing winner(s), which in this case would be my career.Smart, eh?! By the end of the three blogs, I would end up with a super career, and my first three part series blog. So,It's a win-win situation, I have nothing to complain about, I get to have my cake and eat it too.Lalalalalala


  1. Choosing a career is not too easy. I wonder how certain people build up ambitions in their childhood n stick on to it. I ve observed that U cant get the whole lot of your perception or dreams in a career. Though, most of it can be as u wished or U wud love it to that extent that no matter what, U wud stick on to ur one and only beloved career.

    Hope u enjoy what u do in ur career.

  2. thank you vini :) I hope u find somehting u love as well. As for me, am going to be greedy and find more than one career :D

  3. Hmm...So what are the career options we have in hand here?

    Is this an action-oriented way of sorting your career dilemma?

    BTW...The punctuations still need work. And no psychologist, psychiatrist it is.

  4. Made the correction :)
    My career options, I intend to figure out with my blogs.


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