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Saturday, March 12

Letter to the 50 year old me

I have always had these little pictures flash my mind  about my life,where am headed. *Surprise Surprise* these mental picturs never fail me- they have always been  absolutely spot on.  I have nothing to complain about, but lately, I don't see these  pictures.
Without these pictures-  I have to figure out my life and make a real pictures, it's scary but in a very  liberating  way. Saying that, there has always been one picture,  a picture of a  50 year old me. In my mind, I see this strong, beautiful, confident woman who has her life sorted out. So, I decided to write  a letter to that picture of the  old me, hoping with all my 21 year old heart, that I remain cool and awesome like I am today.
Dearest 50 year old Shobi,
  •   First things first . I  hope you're fit, healthy and fabulous. For our sake, I hope you look great and do not look a day over 40, 30 would be pushing my luck, OK. I settle for 35-ish .You know, I don't want you getting any  Botox  surgery or injecting  any  crazy stuff like that  in your face to look young. You always wanted to age gracefully, remember? I also hope you have  the kick-ass-killer-bod- every - 20 year old - would-die  for If your not fab that way,  get yourself to the gym.Now
  •   Let's get to serious business, I sincerely  hope that you found yourself a good man, your prince charming and your still truly, madly ,deeply  in love with him.   I possibly  would not know who this  prince charming is  because, you see, I don't have any prospective prince charming waiting to sweep me off my feet. So I can only hope you found , your One, and  he still truly cares, loves and cherishes you. Everyday.
  •  Family.I hope you have three beautiful children that you always wanted.  Two boys, one  girl? The Geek, The musician and The Supermodel?And , your best-friends with them ,and not the strict  mother who grounds her children and is uncool in front of their friends. Please pretty please, don't be that way. IF  you don't have 3 children, I sincerely hope you have three dogs, two Labradors/Retrievers ,and an adopted dog who HAS  to look like BowBow. With your perfect children, I also hope you live in your dream home, the one with French windows overlooking the garden, a patio with  super comfy chairs,  the  jaw-dropping awesome  kitchen with a small kitchen garden, a nice study also with a  big library, tree house, and far far away from the city.
  •    I hope you  scored most of the things off your bucket list,  traveled a minimum of five countries. If you have not traveled at all, I say, take an early retirement and travel. Let Tuscany be THE first place you visit ,only if your not living there already.
  •   Almost everyday , I wonder what you turned out to be, because from where I am now, I don't see myself anywhere, I hope with all my heart, you turned out to be somebody  important ,doing something productive with your life,and that you're independent with a fat bank balance to support your aforementioned fancy lifestyle.I hope you're not dependent on any man for anything,and you are your own person. Be the soccer mom,  aging gracefully, with a successful career,a super wife, globe trekker  who is filthy rich and the bestest pet owneR.

         P.S-   *Phew* That was quite a long letter, and quite a lot of expectations to live up to.

         P.P.S- If your not  all of that, it's ok. You can write a  letter to the 60 year old you :P .





  1. Awesome letter to urself ... damn hw cud u think like this.. write a letter to urself ... liked it so much !! u inspired me to write a letter myself now may be to my 70 old me .....

  2. but expected, thanking u and urs lovingly in the end ... :P

  3. lol.. Great letter and i appreciate the P.S part .. coz u may not achieve all ya dreams. When u are actually 50 i m sure U ll have a broad smile or a tear drop when u read this letter. Hope U have an awesome life of ur dreams. The best part in the letter U almost see urself as a different person :)

  4. @vinoth- bro,love the support. thank you so much. you should most definitely write a letter to the 70 year old you :)

    @vini- am actually a little excited to see how I turn out when am 50!Hope am not laughing at this letter thinking how stupid i was. And thank you for the support :)

  5. awesome shobi!! the way u've written it is just too good... am sure u'll achieve more than half of all that and to add a set of unexpected happiness will cross ur roads too!!

  6. @sharika-Yaaay! am glad u liked it, welcome to my blog :)unexpected happiness is always welcome in my life :P

  7. Great one shobi! i wish i am the 'supermodel' of a 'super cool' mom. :P
    but seriously dude.. kudos to your ingenuity :) <3

  8. @trinity- thank you so much :) my daughter is going to be such a babe, she is going to inherit all her looks from me :D

  9. shobi!!!! it was awesome, i liked ur idea of writing a letter to 50yr old of u,the 3 childern part wat good to but my suggestion is 3 childern is too much.....wat ever i will be there to see and get excited abt all ur achievments...love u<3

  10. @moni- 3 is right, 4 is too much :P .. and i will be there for u too:) hugs

  11. Hahaha! Don't we all wish we had what you just described! :)

  12. @mira- i know :P remember our long talk about that little cottage and single life we so crave for ? *sigh*


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