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Sunday, March 6

Raising a dog.

When we see a well- behaved dog on the road,we tend to assume all dogs are that way. you know, disciplined..obeying to the commands..not embarrassing us in public.. cool things like that..I shall break the bubble for you, dogs are born CUTE, never disciplined, been there , seen that and seeing that.Hmph!(I soooo blame Lassie :/ )

The following blog is  for all those who want a dog/even if there is a remote possibility of owning a dog in the near future and for the ones who have a dog, you can  share your experiences , comments are more than welcome :)
( ATTENTION- Read carefully, don't make me say , 'i told you so'. Believe me, i will say it. The content below could be hard-to-digest,given all the cuteness and loyalty) *you may have a lot of, "why?why me? days",but mostly it's all worth it *

The list is as follows (in no particular order)

#Do not get fooled by all the cuteness,they have their little evil brains plotting weird things, behind those please-take-me-home-i-will-be-cute-i -promise-and-potty-train-myself eyes.

#Dogs are like children, at least their minds work that way , you tell them they can't have something , that's exactly what they  want. The whole drama unfolds in this particular order, whining, long face, protesting , silent treatment, wrecking stuff( to get back at us ,you see)and of course, the very popular i-will-not-eat-till-i-get-what-i-want drama!

#Bribing- Am not proud about it, but it works like a charm. You want something done, disciplined or just get acknowledged, i say, stock up on, doggie treats and goodies.

#If you have a uber cool social life, enjoy traveling, and pride yourself in being spontaneous, bad news for you, it all stops. Unless your Paris Hilton or somebody rich like that, a pet is not for you. Finding a dog-sitter is not the easiest thing, and the fact that, you can't tell them how your dog is not exactly what you call, potty trained .

#talking about potty training, not easy. Takes immense patience, ignoring toxic smelling poop can be pretty hard on the senses.(i knowww, disgusting!) Babies have it easy, they get to wear diapers, but dogs.... ummm.. no such luck!

#You can't help  it, but  those little rascals start growing on you, you tend to  have very strong motherly /fatherly instincts(yes , you read it right , i did say motherly/fatherly instincts!) If you were just hoping for a companion,it does not exactly happen that way, they become more than just a companion,eventually..Okay, let me explain this to you,A.you stop seeing them as a dog, you start seeing them as a human being (it happens!) B.you get that  terrible what's wrong with him/her feeling when they are ill. C. you put them first in your priority. D.you would do anything to keep them safe and happy. E. you can't help but try finding  other dogs for them to play with and take them to parks in the evening. F. You buy them clothes because, you think that this particular color will make their eyes pop . True Story.

#In my old blog,i had had written about how to  let your dog know who the master is,and the whole"alpha (fe)male phenomena". You may think,  " I'll show the dog ,who the master is" dialogues will work....never works. Frankly, they'll show you ,who the master really is.
This happened a few weeks back,
                               Bow -  *holding a dirrrrty sock in her mouth , wanting to play fetch with it*
                               Me-     Bowie! DROP IT! N-O-W
                               Bow-   *dropping the sock*
                               Me   -  *patting her head* Good Girl
                                          (few seconds later)
                               Bow-  *bringing the other  dirrrrty sock*
                               Me -      *blank*

She showed me, huh? So , the score remains , alpha (fe)male (Bow) - 2 Me-  0 . *banging my  head against the wall, thinking to myself "why do i even try?"*


  1. Fobee, that is so true! Good one this.
    PS: One suggestion, expand your horizons to non-BowBow topics too. It is getting a little mundane.

  2. nandu, i am expanding my horizon, two more on edit,i just happened to finish it a little faster, so this one was up.
    Thank you :) glad u liked it!

  3. aww..i can imagine :) after brownie n karupa :)

  4. @poorvi - :D bow gets a royal treatment at home, i mean royal royal :l

  5. am soooooo glad i dont have a dog :) but i agree with ur sister.. but an awesome start!!!

  6. @sharika- ah!makes sense, what i was thinking is keep a separate section just about dogs, bowbow


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