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Thursday, March 24

Blog 1- No Chance in Hell

If you have read my previous blog, you would know that I am on a quest to figure my career out.Yes,it is not the brightest things to do, at least not when I am doing my masters. I should know where I am headed, right?Wrong, I am going to turn 22, with no job prospective/interest, unhappy, average, higher education?(I think not!) . I was one of those people who always knew what I wanted to be. Well, I am obviously wrong because, I've been  figuring  my career out since I was ...ummm...10?!I will get back to my fabulous choices for my future between 10 to 15, a little later.

 Now,  going back a bit to the time when I was 15:
 I turned 15, I thought to myself, "You have nothing to worry about, you have ECONOMICS!That's IT. It's your "calling".Duh!Economics is in your genes, after all. Appa(dad) graduated doing  Economics, Amma(mom) too, it's in your DNA"  What I didn't know was, The Sureshs were never into Mathematics, and never will be.Boy, How I wish I could go tell that 15 year old me to think faster, think better, think smarter. Well...*SIGH*
Okay, I am not going to complain, I have a destiny too right??!I better have one!

Going way back to the time when I was 10 to 15; It is a good age to be, I loved being 10!I had my whole life ahead of me, all I had to worry was, if my auto came on time, if my friends would play with me, if I would be home on time to watch my cartoons/WWE, fun stuff like that. And,this was around  the time when I got super interested in Sports.All I wanted was  to be a cricketer/Basket Ball player(What was I thinking?!), be one of the guys,play sports, none of it happened because, I was obese, and I was addicted to Television.
Arts was never my thing, I could not draw a  picture of a star to save my life, let alone paint something.The horrid "art" work,origami stuff,and those cardboard projects*shivers*.I bet my art teacher had to get me through to the Sixth grade,and not flunk me because of arts.Given a choice, she would not have out me through to the Sixth grade*giggle*
So now that we have established that, I was not the what you call the "artsy-fartsy" kinds,you would think,I was a geek.No!Such awesome things never happen to me!I was never  a "bright" student .It took a lot from me to just wake up and go to school,I was  bribed  with food.*gulp* Yes, Appa used to bribe me in food to make me pass a year in school or just to get me to  finish my homework.Not Proud.By the time I turned 15,  I wanted to be a scientist. Einstein was my hero, and I just wanted to be just like him.(Also, this was one of my many WTF? moments!)  And, I flunked chemistry, I could not freakin'  balance an equation that is of very high importance(I would never know why-it is beyond me,call me ignorant, but that just does not make any sense to me!) organic chemistry?!What's the deal with that?Gosh, it gave me day-mares! So, I said a  kiss-goodbye to my Einstein dreams, IIT dreams and I had to throw my Noble Prize Award winning speech. A Grammy,maybe?*sigh* N-O. My singing voice is so bad that my music teacher has nothing to say!

My career choices from 15-20 is in my next blog because, it has a lot of so-so options, I got a little ambitious with my dreams when I was in my mid-teens. Anywho,coming back to the Present; I can categorize my list of things I can never be .
No Chance In Hell list:
#Scientist. Science in any kind,shape or form is not my thing!
#Artist .
#Singer( I still have my Grammy Award winning speech in my mind though.. hehehe)
# Academia .Obviously(!)
#Modeling. Acting on the other hand, quite possible, you know, me being a drama queen and all?*wink*
If you have figured out what you want to be? Good for you cause, I am jealous. There, I said it. :l

What did you want to be when you were 10?Are you living your dream?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At 10, I don't remember having a real ambition. Civil Service was on the cards but now I am far from that dream.
    Lucky are those who find their calling. Hope u find urs.

    PS: Punctuations need a lot of work!

  3. HA.. I never had dreams.. as in ambitions..( U kno how big a dreamer i am,, i was the same before also ;) ;) ) at 10 i was jus a monotonous person.. school was my wold n my friends were the people living in it.. Nothing els mattered.. not even celebrities.. or watchin all kinda progs.. I dreamt only abt ppl ppl n ppl.. Atleast i can say a major part of it was that way..( waata waste of time :/ ) I was not great in my studies.. I actually sucked day by day.. and it was passed on to my health too..and as it went on.. maybe i dreamt of teachers praising me.. or i am wining cultural events or being the topper.. Nothin els.. nothing drastic.. Infact i really admire or sometime envy ppl who had dreams and ambitioons.. Commerce and econoimics and MSE jus happened since i din find any other thing interesting.. and i believe when the time comes to decide v ll know where v have to go ( ok i bettr stop.. i may write another blog in the comment form )

  4. @nanditha- Civil Service?naww... You wanted to be a singer!
    I am hoping with all my hear I find it too :)
    @Vini- same-to-same;)


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