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Sunday, May 13

On just about everything.

I cannot begin to tell you, how many blogs I have started writing and left it half way because I could not finish it.I blamed just about everything for my absence from writing, but fret not, I am baaaack! My absence from the blogging world has been because I have had so much fun this year. And heck, it's just May. I can't wait for the rest of the year, if it half as fun as these five months, I am not going to complain. Bring it on, I say.

I wanted to name the post,  "On just about everything" because that's just how life is, just about everything. I was going through my old blogs and I kinda felt a little embarrassed to be honest, all I ever did was complain, blame and whine (which, by the way, is very me. I am the biggest whiner, I ever know.)So, this blog post, I wanted to switch it up a little, change the tone of the blog, if you may say so. I may get all preachy and annoyingly happy, but I believe it will be a much needed change.

I guess, I must write a blog for Mothers Days every year now, you know? I think every mother out there deserves to know how much they mean to their children and what a big role they play in who they become when they grow older. I don't mean to be all sad here, but yeah, its true when I keep saying, I miss my mother. It may be a good 15 years since she has passed, but you never get past all the sadness and the emptiness. Saying that, I aspire to be like my mother, make her proud every single day, be an awesome cook like her and just be a beautiful person over all. To all you mothers out there, we will never know how you do what you do, but we are glad we know when we want to know what perfection is, we just have to take a look at you.

The last two years have been bittersweet and just the way I like it. Too much of something is never good, right? So a little bit of fall here and there, is a good thing. It puts things into perspective and keeps your head in the game. As much as I have complained over the past few years, I have had the best time too. I made the best of friends, learnt how difficult it is to be humble,big role destiny plays, allowing life to unfold, not to rush, enjoying the littlest things in life - no matter how trivial they may seem, a bus ride, reading a book, playing with your pet, catching up with an old friend, working against deadline, staying up all night just to study, or even just watching your favorite tv show when you know you have an exam the next day. It is all part of the journey, I understand that now. It may have taken me years to figure that out, but I get it. Every little chip, or every little mismatched piece of the puzzle all fits in...eventually.

The one thing that kept me sane apart from my family and my friends, of course  food. My favorite F-words, if you may say so. Bad Joke. Sigh. I cannot help myself, I just have to say stuff like this, I guess. And,  a big shout out to all the people who have bought my goodies, supported me, encouraged me and keep motivating me.I love all of you for being so supportive and having faith in what I do is huge. I hopefully will be blogging about food soon, little tips here and there, recipes that I try over the coming weeks. Really excited. Summer IS fun.

I am officially saying goodbye to this phase of my life. Nothing lasts forever. My mantra is going to be : Embrace the change. I am obsessed with Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, I may even quote lines from his book if you wake me up in the middle of the night and this particular quote I think sums up what I have on my mind, “Sooner or later, fate puts us together with all the people, one by one, who show us what we could, and shouldn’t, let ourselves become. Sooner or later we meet the drunkard, the waster, the betrayer, the ruthless mind, and the hate-filled heart. But fate loads the dice, of course, because we usually find ourselves loving or pitying almost all of those people. And it’s impossible to despise someone you honestly pity, and to shun someone you truly love. ” 

I am signing off for now, but I promise I will be back with a bad-ass blog! 


  1. Read it and loved it ... Shobi write about food soon...your cooking skills are inspiring...

  2. Thank you, Theo :) Yes, I will blog about food soon! :)

  3. Ms Shobitha,

    Loved ur blog yet again!!! waiting for ur next one!!!

  4. Mamo,

    Thank you for you reading it and commenting on it.
    Much Love :)


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