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Monday, August 15

Liz Lemon-Bridget Jones-Nigella Lawson syndrome.

Everybody needs a strong role model while growing up; I did not have one when I was growing up,  I am all grown up and I finally found mine in Liz Lemon, Bridget Jones and Nigella Lawson. For those who actually do not know these women, let me tell you who they are-Liz Lemon; Tina Fey, successful, funny, writer and kick-ass funny woman  from my new favorite TV shows, 30 Rock, Bridget Jones- the chubby, British girl who says the most darnest thing; Nigella Lawson- Need I say more? What can't that lady do?Also, did you notice, what is common between all the three women? They are Big, Bold and Beautiful.

It took me the longest time to figure out who I am- it may take  me  forever to find who I will be, but that is not what this blog is about.  I am- Big, Bold, Beautiful . A lot of people don't get this because being different is not really welcomed. Sad, I know. I stick out like a sore thumb in a group-So much so, I am stuck in a wrong professional course and I am very cynical about people's future in front of a computer,  I have what Bridget Jones calls : Verbal Diarrhea, I am not a size zero, I am over-the-top with everything I do, I cook ( I am not one of those people who think it is cool to go around and say, I can't cook to save my life, I can't stand in the kitchen and make something. That, according to me, is complete Bull Shit. Everybody. can. cook. All you have to do, try.) What I did learn is that being different is not such a bad thing.

Thanks to these women, I figured out who I am, and I am not ashamed of myself, not anymore.I do take insults to my heart more than the compliments( who doesn't?It is only natural to accept the wrong than the right, right?), I have  I- want -to -stab -anybody- who- says- absolutely- mean- things- to- me days, the sight of food excites me, I believe (like Liz Lemon) that the kind of relationship I want, should be 12 years into the relationship, watch TV together, eat in bed and not try any funny business, I can make people laugh, like really, really laugh.Talking about funny; relationships, I honestly don't have much hopes for romance, novel-type love stories anymore( Men have actually sucked any ounce of existing romance out of me. True Story) I don't believe in dressing up for the opposite sex, if a guy asks me out for pizza -I will consider that  romantic ( Yes, I don't believe in candlelight dinner nonsense; never have, never will ), leave me alone in a kitchen- I am happy, I am more Italian than Indian- so, anybody says anything bad about Italy, you dont-a know-a what-a you are messing with-a (my sick idea of typing  Italian- English accent. Sigh. The things I do) TV is my best friend.

But I've always wondered why Mother Teresa, my mother, my grandmother and even for that matter, jane goodall has not inspired me,why not? They are amazing, strong, independent, they have made a mark for themselves, they have shown me what kindness really means, and I respect these women, yes; but they have never made me have these "Eureka" moments, I- want- to- grow- up- to- be- just- like- her moments. This is because, that's not how role models are made, just because it works for somebody and it does not need to work for you. Your role model is your little stuff toy, your best friend, your companion through bad times. Role models are custom made- not a hand-me-down and  one size do not fit all, and you do not want to be caught dead wearing the same outfit as another person, do you? Role models are exactly that way. They are unique,they lead you to greatness, they inspire you, and most of all, they make you feel worthy enough to be where you are, and they give you hope, inspite of all the countless bad hair days, fat days, just plain bad days, dressing like a slob days, days when you make a big ass of yourself in public- there is something good coming out of it all.

 If somebody were to ask me in a beauty pageant, who  my role model is? I will have an answer. Wait a minute, who am I kidding, me in a pageant?

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