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Sunday, May 15

Equal rights. Yeah, right!

"We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. "- Gloria Steinem

I was having this conversation about feminism with  my dear friend, Christina. She suggested an article by Gloria Steinem- "If Men Could Menstuate" which by the way, made for a hilarious read. I was  telling her how I don't believe in feminism, but women empowerment on the other hand, we agreed on.Both of us coming from the same  college which believed in feminism and  taught us that, feminism is the be all and end all  for the betterment of  women . I disagree, hating men is never the solution and never will be. I just might be hated for saying that, but I stick to what I believe, reasoning or putting sense into some men is like fighting with pigs- the more you fight, you start realizing that, the pig is actually enjoying it and you are getting yourself dirty in the process by stooping so low. So why bother? Instead, stay away from the pig sty and makes yourself  better. Leave the pig be. Simble. Make sense?

Saying that, there are few things I can never/will understand, are how some women who are smart, educated, adult, allow themselves to be used like a doormat- I wish I could put some sense into these women; Sexist comments, suggestive comments never cease to exist. It is like racism, in some places it is in-your-face- existing, and in others, there is always a sly remark or an undertone for dissing women.That slight undertone or the in-your-face bad treatment of  the women in the society is for  all of us to see, all you  have to do, is obseve. Fathers, who are supposed to be teaching their sons to treat women as equals are teaching them  quite the opposite; Mothers, who tell their daughters that, it is a woman's job to be on their beck and call . I can keep stating a million examples about how sexist our society is, but it won't change a thing, would it?This treating a boy differently from a girl still exists in a family, the boy gets around easily while the girl is asked to stay at home, because the relatives might see her outside after 6, and will talk bad about her. This girl is your daughter, where is the trust?For once, why can't a parent say, she is my daughter and I trust her and I don't care about what you think? once? No! Does that imply, men are emotionally strong enough to hold their own after 6 in the evening?
Also, I've  been noticing how this treatment has taken a big  turn for all the wrong reasons, I hear school  boys telling  their mothers, "I won't eat with girls, girls should only eat after the men in the home have finished eating." or the older women in the family telling us, it is a woman's job to clean-up after a man, ask them why, they say, "Because, I said so.."  It got me thinking, the problem here is not the men, it is us women who let men think it is okay for women to be treated that way. So ladies, I request all of you to stand-up for yourselves, fight for what you want. We are the fairer sex and don't let them tell you or treat you otherwise. You don't have to go around looking for respect or demanding  repect, all you just have to do is respect yourself and others respecting you will follow.

So, I'm ending the blog with  this  thought, women can almost do anything a man can do, but can a man chum for few days without actually making our life a living hell more than the usual? Boys will be boys, what do they know?


  1. Very interesting points of view. Loved it.

  2. Punctions will happen. Stop worrying. Thank you.


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