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Friday, May 20

Change= whaaaat?!!

There is something about Sundays that I don't particularly enjoy.Usually, it is this day when  most families come together, cook an elaborate meal, family time, watch some movie on the telly or something, but not me. Don't ask me why, 'cause I have no idea. But I do have  possible theories, a. The following day would be, a monday! b. There is nothing interesting happening on the television c. Maybe, I'm just weird. Thinking about it, I actually don't like any particular day of the week, I can whine about each one of them and how terrible they are, Monday, need I say more?; Tuesday, Blah. IT follows monday! what good can come out of that?!!; Wednesday, Yawn; Thursday, I have nothing much to say about thursday; Friday, Date Night, you ask?? NO! Saturday, more like sad-urday, because Friday was still boring and I have nothing to look forward  to for  the weekend. Same old.Get the pattern? :|

The point is, it is summer vacations and nobody keeps track of what day it is during the summer vacations, do they? It is just  one day after another and not a monday or a  tuesday. It is all about, waking up late, eating, watching the telly till you nap, wake up, watch more telly, eat, sleep more. Bliss. Nope, not this time. No no. This time, it is going to be different, it is going to be all about ME. In my mind, I even have a string quartet singing, "me me me me me me.."

Every summer, I do absolutely nothing, when I say nothing, I mean.. nothing. People around me always plan awesome things like, family vacations, summer classes, internships, trekking, super interesting stuff like that. During my vacations,  I end up watching all the shows on the telly, gain a few pounds and even remember the dialogues word-by-word.That interesting.  I want to switch it up a little this time, I am taking my new found freedom and put it to very good use. I made a list of things I want to do this summer, I made a list of books I want to read, food I wanted to cook, make napping my favourite thing to do, and travel around the city.

Few weeks into my vacation, I've read a book, cooked more than I have over the past few months, I have found out I can't nap in the afternoons, travel around the city? I can't possibly step out in this sun. It is safe to say, my summer plan just got hypothetical flushed down the hypothetical toilet, the string quartet singing, "me me me me me..." in my mind is starting to give me a headache.Who am I kidding? Nothing changes around here, the set  pattern continues, Shobitha is yet again spending this summer doing nothing, after all.

P.S- I am so hooked on to 30 rock and Bridget Jones's diary right now, I am singing,  "All By Myself" like Liz Lemon. This is me saying, S.O.S


  1. I cant believe u have to end wid the PS that says abt the serial i jus gave u day b4! Anyway.. Know what?? honestly.. though its holidays its jus i m piled wid work.. its jus a different set of work which is not only me me work.. Me me work is also there which is more like.. okay i have to do this.. i better do this.. going out round the city with the family.. on a vacation or spending time amongst us is like RARE! sad :( Sudden things crop up such that i cant do one thing properly ..I m happy ur enjoying the serial. Keep enjoying! :)

  2. Weekends.. Shobi, u know a very vetti soul for the weekends.... well if u don,t, its meeee!!! we'll keep meeting up like the last one..


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