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Sunday, December 4

Are you done with your good karma? If you don’t mind, can I have some of that?

Concept of karma is vague to me. Of course, I say stuff like, “Karma is a bitch”, “Karma is going to come, bite your ass” that kinda stuff, but I never believed in it. Technically, it is a very sound concept—you reap what you sow—that‘s just how it is.

Recently, I’ve been watching a lot of Dharma & Greg (a sitcom, where this uptight lawyer meets this whacky chick and they marry  the first day they meet, and begin their life together- you know, skipping the dating part). So, Dharma is raised a Hindu and as you know from the name, Dharma being truthful and all. She preaches truth, talks about how the universe decides everything, rebirth, and soul mates and of course, karma. It got me thinking, because this is what we are taught by our families, in schools and from our grandparents, but it makes more sense when somebody else keeps talking about it, all the time. I do not know if this is my opinion or if it is general opinion: we tend to believe in something more when somebody else says it. Karma makes more sense now than ever before.

Karma is on my mind, not the kind of thought  I want on my mind but it is stuck like a bad song, which you keep singing all the time because you can’t get it off your mind. I do not know if it is a good or a bad thing, but this I call, not peer but unhealthy sitcom obsession pressure. I cannot come up with a better excuse than this for my new level of crazy. Then another crazy thought came to my mind, does karma act like a shield to all the bad stuff that  happen to us? Are we safe, if we just followed the rules and just did good things? The answer to that: I have no friggin’ idea.

I am going through what you call—a very rough patch. The old me would have gone cussing the world for my misfortunes, the people responsible for my unhappiness or heck, I would have dived into a packet of chips or something totally-unhealthy-but-you-want-to-eat-right-away-because-you-have-to type food.  Nevertheless, the new me (or who I think the new me) is going to do good, be good. I mean, what gives? If anything, I get to do good things in life.

Who knows, I might just end up being one of those people who preaches about appreciate-the- good- in –people- no- matter- what- harm –they- do-to-you.. The next time, I lecture you about how horrible it is to litter or hurt an animal or even waste food, I am just buying you good karma and I am earning some in return. Trust me, you will wonder why you never did any good in life when you had the chance 'cause if you are going through a rough patch, all you will ever want is something good  happening in your life.

And hopefully, if I get reincarnated, I like to be born as Bow Bow, that is, if this entire karma thing is still a fancy thought in my mind a few months from now.  Until then, do any of you want share your good karma with me or if you are done, can I have some?

1 comment:

  1. I have heard this from someone. Its all about striking a balance. If, for example, you keep piling up good things, its not too safe. Coz, in such a situation even the most smallest bad deed would pull U down to the bottom most level. So, its always safe to strike a balance. If U say U have been having a bad time without a break, probably ur previous births were so fortunate n u need to pay off ( strike a balance) by facing tough times.

    Anyway, this concept is always ambiguous. I just shared what I ve heard.


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