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Tuesday, August 30

Move over, the yapper is here!

“But my one mighty (travel) talent is that I can make friends with anybody. I can make friends with the dead.....If there isn’t anyone else around to talk to, I could probably make friends with a four-foot-tall pile of Sheetrock”- Elizabeth Gilbert

“The Leo woman is the embodiment of honor loyalty, faithfulness, and trust when at her best; however, she must to take care about her tendency to develop an exaggerated sense of self-importance.”

I was reading Linda Goodman’s article on sun signs, and I kept going, “wait-a-minute, you got to be kidding me, that is soooo me!” I am a true blue Leo; I like drama, I am over-the-top, I am not a follower (If I am not leading; I would never be a part of it, being a follower is not my thing), I am lazy, I am sloppy, I like fancy things from life, I am loud, I am very patient, I am proud (and I am not ashamed of it), I am intimidating (men are scared of me. True Story), I am a very loyal friend, I can entertain people- I can make, “my dog pooped on the road” story very interesting and most importantly, I can make friends with anybody- I can talk to anybody, strike a conversation and make buddies for life.

Lot of my ability to make friends has something to do with me- talking, incessantly. I talk so much that I often worry about how much I can actually talk and not say. I sometimes think, most of my friends just listen to me, just to keep my ego going. I am that bad. But, the point is not how I talk a lot, the point is- what I end up doing with all this talking. Thanks to my non-stop nonsense- my new friends include, auto drivers (they see me so regularly, they do not even ask me where I want to get dropped off anymore; I figured, if you can’t beat them, join them, right?), traffic cops, bus conductors, middle-aged women who travel with me in share autos, vegetable vendors, and the lady who checks my bags (for bombs and explosives, mind you) at the library is becoming a very good friend. My best friends and my very close friends today are also people who I happened to meet, randomly. Like on a boring day at school, or over a television show we happened to enjoy, over Sudoku, or on a big queue to pay some fees, or over Shantaram and over food, of course.

Saying that, I was an introvert as a child, for some reason, people find that very shocking. Who I am today, and who I was when I was young, are two very completely different people. I was a very, very quiet person- teachers have gone years without hearing a peep out of me in class, I was always called the– Oh, that tall, quiet girl who is always well-behaved; she is always alone, she can mingle with the other students, but otherwise, she is okay ( Little did they know what I was like, at home). My dad had the hardest time figuring out how I could be two completely different people. All this talking, cooking, writing and making friends with random but wonderful people came to be- much, much later in life. Like a divine intervention of sorts (Boy, am I glad it happened!). However, I would have loved for it to have happened sooner, but I am not complaining. I am just glad that, that side to my personality is here, and it is here to stay.

If you are like me, you will know when you have so many things on your mind—it is just so hard not to talk. In this process of talking about every thought that runs on my mind, I completely lose track of the whole world around me- I am oblivious to where I am- place, people I’m with and what they have to say. It takes a lot for another person to just shut me up and make me listen to what they have to say. I am teased about it an awful lot, too. After a whole afternoon of talking, one day, I decided to shut up the whole of next day and allow (yes, allow) others to talk- and guess what? The whole place was so silent- that I could hear people chew their food during lunch, there was no shortage of awkward conversations, like, “did you say something?” “No.” “Oh, I thought I heard something” My friends thought there was something terrible had happened to me. I have such reputation now.

Other day, after a lot of talking, my friend asked me, “are you high on something?” and I actually said, “I am high on tea weed” and ever since, she has been asking me, if I am high on “tea weed” (For all those who are puzzled, I just had a cup of tea, and I was happy, that is all) I knew the minute I said it out loud, it  just did not sound right. I actually said, tea weed.

Honestly, all of this got me a little worried. I mean, I can only imagine another person, just like me, who keeps rambling non-stop, and how sick I will get when I  hear another person  who talks almost as much as me. Even worse, what if I meet my match, in my life partner. Imagine: both of us doing the talking, and a whole lot of nothing being said- that will just be the opposite of wedded bliss.  I believe in the whole, opposites attracting thing; two people being similar somehow just does not seem right. I sometimes think, I want a relationship for all the wrong reasons- not for the love, but for somebody who will listen to me rant all day, because he is legally bound to me and as my life partner- it comes under “making the relationship work” and, they do not call it “life partner” for nothing. Despite, the talking that I will be doing in a relationship- I really will give the man some time to talk; he just has to use it wisely, wow me, and not talk cars, other women. When I mention this theory to my girlfriends- they always say, Nooo. I can't believe you actually wish for that.

But hey, it is not me, it is the sun sign, did you not read the part about Leos "developing an exaggerated sense of self-importance?"

Women, generally, are known to talk a lot, but I take it up notch. That's all.

To sum it up: Normal woman’s non- stop talking * me talking = lot of head nodding / common sense-losing and a lot of  she-did-not-say-that looks on the face. 100% guarantee. A gazillion % guarantee. Okay, I will stop now.

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