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Friday, April 8

Blog 2-So So

Now, that I've successfully shot down all the possibilities of what I can't /never could/would be. This has become THE topic of discussion whenever I’m around, “what will I turn out to be?”, so when my friends tell me there is something out there for me, I wonder what that could be. I am obviously not seeing that “something”  they are so  hoping I would find some day; I dare not ask them, what that “something” is, all of them tell me the exact same thing, almost as if they had perfected the art of answering questions that are highly uncomfortable, “You will find it eventually”. Duh! I know that, but what is that something?!?!
Other day, I was thinking how I was in this very situation in my teens, when every single person I met was strangely curious about my career or  me wanting to be something cool  always got me a very disapproving look,  followed by the famous, “why are you not doing Engineering, ma? You can do your MS in US and settle down there? My son/daughter is in Chi-ka-ko (read: Chicago)”. There goes my cool career options, but I did have quite a few interesting choices on my mind and thinking about them now, they don’t look so bad.
Here is my list of things I possibly wish to do and I possible can do:
#1: Dog Trainer- I Heart dogs. That should qualify me, no? I can train dogs to do awesome commands  like, give Kiss, Hi -5, and Hello, I particularly don’t specialize in  Sit, Behave, Stand, Walk, and Stay commands so well. Dogs just refuse to behave themselves around me.
#2: Baker-Since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed the art of baking cakes and all the sugar work. Not only did I enjoy the whole process, I loved me some pastry too.
#3: Run a family restaurant- Two favorite things in my life, Food and Family. Why not bring them both together so I can run a perfect family- style small cafĂ©/ restaurant, which is tucked away  somewhere in Tuscany? Fantastico.
#4: Musician- Sounds crazy, I know. I am learning to play my guitar or at least trying to learn, I don’t wish to be a Blondie or a John Mayer, but I still can make a buck or two playing for a small crowd. That ladies and gentlemen, would be my weekend gig. I especially don’t think my dad would  be very happy with me playing my guitar for a living  so I just have to settle for the weekend gig.
#5: Something to do with a corner office- I always fancy working in a corner office, wearing my best pair of stilettos for work, office overlooking tall buildings, my mahogany desk, plush chairs, and all that jazz. You get the picture, right? (Sigh, I watch way too much TV for my own good, but Hey, what the heck? It is my dream job!)I know am being super shallow, but honestly I don’t mind being the office help, if I am given an office like that. Zip. I won’t complain.  Ever.
#6: Here comes the big one, Stay-at-home mom- I have every intention of retiring early, and having a big family. However, that does not me, I don’t wish to work; I want a career and all of that, but being a stay-at-home mom is not so bad. It obviously comes with a clause: If and only if, my prince charming makes enough charming money for the familia. Me thinks, being a Stepford wife is pretty cool.

This is not so bad I have a safety net now. Especially #6 is starting to look very possible. :l


  1. what about the option of becoming a writer......most probably fiction

  2. and being the chef in the mess at MSE, then IIT and finally Harvard??

  3. @shaurya- Yes, why not? you will be my protagonist too.. sound good? :p
    @sharika- If you guys want to get poisoned, I wil gladly take over MSE:p


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